Doing your homework

What does it mean for a business, a startup or you to 'do your homework'? Does it mean being out there, staying curious about the problem you're looking to solve trying to figure out what potential avenues towards solving it might be. Does it mean diving into existing research to be able to say and… Continue reading Doing your homework

The (continued) case for higher ed

The only problem with colleges and universities is that they have become profit machines essentially barring students of limited means from attending. The core of what colleges and universities do have probably never been more important. I fully understand that there is a lot of talk about certification for specific skills being the future of… Continue reading The (continued) case for higher ed

The real drivers for success

One of the general misconceptions about startups is that too much value is being placed on the idea itself or the work you have already done, and not enough value is placed on what's needed in order to get to where you want to be with your company in the future. It is so easy… Continue reading The real drivers for success

Ongoing learning

It is fairly easy to meet founders who think they know it all. Founders who are so sure of their own success and the trajectory that they are on that they almost excude overconfidence. But are they overconfident, or are they just pretending out of fear of losing face, credibility, mojo or something else? Probably.… Continue reading Ongoing learning

Always look under the hood

The more you think you know about something, the more you should push yourself to look under the hood. There is always something there that annoys your view of the problem. Something that doesn't fit. But that something adds valuable perspective to what you're working on, and more often than not it can be the… Continue reading Always look under the hood