Doing your homework

What does it mean for a business, a startup or you to 'do your homework'? Does it mean being out there, staying curious about the problem you're looking to solve trying to figure out what potential avenues towards solving it might be. Does it mean diving into existing research to be able to say and… Continue reading Doing your homework

Short term joy, long term agony

One of the things that I have been spending a lot of time on these last couple of years is the subject of university research and how to transform the best of it into viable spinouts that can go on to solve real problems in the world. There is no doubt that the potential within… Continue reading Short term joy, long term agony

The negative value proposition

Is creating value as a startup with something new always inherently positive for everybody concerned? Maybe not. What if part of the value creation you offer is to help take away the uncomfortable pain of someone having to confront someone else with a problem, the first one really just want to be rid off? Is… Continue reading The negative value proposition

If I owned a newspaper…

Over the years I have worked in and written extensively about news media. Sometimes I have felt the love, and sometimes that love has been of the tougher kind with people (wrongly) suggesting I must feel a burning hatred towards old media (which I BTW don't at all). So with that said I don't know… Continue reading If I owned a newspaper…